Omaha Sports Commission Website Project
Provided by Chisel Creative
Omaha Sports Commission
Website Project
Submission Date:
Primary Applicant:
Chisel Creative
Omaha, Nebraska
Primary Contact:
Sam Vetter
Chisel Creative, Inc.
Project Period:
9.10.2024 – 12.1.2024
Project Amount:
Need & Impact
The current version of the Omaha Sports Commission website was completed in 2017. The website is due for a redesign and an update within the Squarespace platform. Since 2017, there have been many advances in technology and available features. In addition, the OSC organization and brand have evolved, creating the need for a fresh look, revised website structure and strategy.
An updated and redesigned website for the Omaha Sports Commission is essential for enhancing user engagement and improving the overall online experience for visitors and stakeholders. New strategies can help showcase the organization's events, initiatives, and resources, making it easier for users to find relevant information and connect with the commission's offerings. By streamlining navigation and incorporating fresh design elements, the website can strengthen the brand while attracting a broader audience. Additionally, an optimized site can bolster digital marketing efforts, driving increased participation in events and generating greater community support.
Stages & Deliverables
Chisel proposes the following stages, activities and deliverables for the Omaha Sports Commission Website Project.
We want to ensure that your website's look, purpose and functionality align with who you are and who you want to connect with. Through project conversations and an online survey, we'll work to establish a solid strategy that leads to relevance, trust and results. We'll explore the landscape so we can differentiate you from the rest, while appealing and connecting to your target audience.
Project Kickoff Meeting
Online Brand Survey
Audience and Landscape Research
Takeaways Summary
After we are on the same page with the discovery, it's time to explore what's possible within our parameters. 2-3 concepts will be created that include a fresh approach and visual strategy. These will be presented within the website framework so you can get a sense for the concepts in action. Then we can refine the direction that inspires you the most.
Website Design Concepts
Direction Refinement
Online Style Guide
Now it's time to build the Squarespace website. The initial iteration will be a loose sketch of the final product with the development of structure and the application of visual strategies. We'll also determine the best approaches for integrating functionality and technology. We can establish several checkpoints to ensure we stay aligned and on target. As we move along, everything will be refined and details will be addressed, including final copy, illustration, photography and technology integration.
Website Design & Development
Content Development & Placement
Implementation of Plugins
Optimization for Common Devices
Fine-tuning & Quality Control
After the website is launched, we'll continue to make adjustments as needed to ensure the user experience is received as planned. Chisel will provide a training session that explains the ins and outs of the website and its functionality. Even with Squarespace experience, this will be necessary because of the code and plugins required to meet the objectives for the project.
Post-Launch Adjustments
Training Session
Continued Support (2 months after completion)
The following graphic aligns the stages and milestones to a project timeline. Chisel will work with the OSC team to add and modify tasks as desired to meet project demands. The timeline listed below is an estimate and the final project plan and timeline will be developed following project agreement.
Listen + Learn
Concepts Presented:
Explore + Create
Direction Established:
Build + Refine
Launch Site:
Teach + Support
Final Hand-Off:
About Chisel
Chisel Creative, founded by Sam Vetter, was started with the idea that creative work could make a positive difference for businesses, individuals and the community alike. Sam established Chisel in April of 2015 after spending 10+ years in the creative industry gaining a wide range of skills, practical knowledge and experience. Since then, Chisel has helped to shape and define brands through authenticity and a balance of art, design, strategy, curiosity and intuition. Areas of expertise include brand development, identity systems, visual communication, design, illustration, environments, packaging and web development. AAF, ADDYs, Communication Arts, Neenah, and MarCom have recognized Sam for his work.
Sam Vetter / Owner + Creative Lead
Budget & Payment
The proposed budget is designed to cover all aspects of the project, from initial scoping and discovery to post-build support and training.
Stage 1
Listen + Learn
Project Kickoff Meeting, Online Brand Survey, Audience & Landscape Research, Takeaways Summary
Stage 2
Explore + Create
Website Design Concepts, Direction Refinement, Online Style Guide
Stage 3
Build + Refine
Design & Development, Content Creation, Implement Plugins, Optimization, Fine-tuning & Quality Control
Stage 4
Teach + Support
Post-Launch Adjustments, Training Session, Continued Support
Project Total:
We invoice 50% to initiate the project, and 50% upon completion of the project.
Work Examples
Here are a few website design development samples.
Thank you for the opportunity
to offer this proposal.
I have complete confidence in what we can create together. If we move forward, my biggest interests will be in your success and the success of the services provided. Please contact me to discuss the proposal further or to move forward with an agreement.
Sam Vetter
Chisel Creative, Inc.
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.